Damilare Olasinde,
Content Writer & Marketer for B2B SaaS and MarTech Brands

About Dami

I entered the world of content marketing in 2019. 

Before then, I was a passionate teenage business owner, running a food retail business. However, I lacked a formal business education, which I recognized as a barrier to achieving my entrepreneurial dreams.

My pursuit of knowledge led me to seek out training programs, such as Brain Tracy's "Business Start-up Success Made Simple" Program. Unfortunately, financial constraints made it impossible for me to join. So, I turned to the next best thing: reading blogs. I read extensively, hoping to gain insights that could propel my business forward.

Occasionally, I stumbled upon enlightening pieces that answered my pressing questions. But most of the content I encountered was shallow and often unhelpful. It was a frustrating experience.

As a content marketer today, I understand that many of these articles were written by individuals who are more interested in optimizing for search engine rankings than in delivering genuine value to their readers.

The content landscape has further deteriorated since my days as a business owner in 2019.

Now, AI writing tools have helped flood the internet with rehashed, uninspiring, and valueless content, leaving users with the same frustrations I once faced.

If I had the power, I'd hit a button and remove the subpar content that clutters the web. But since that's impossible, here's what I do instead: spare no effort to ensure my articles are actionable,  digestible, and information-dense.

My goal? I want readers to exclaim, "This content is a gem, pure gold!" when they read my articles. 

It might sound ambitious, but judging by what my clients say, I do hit the mark.  

What Clients Say...

Good writing is a product of good thinking. Damilare thinks. More than that, he asks relevant questions and sticks to deadlines."

- Precious Oboidhe, ex-Foundation Marketing

Damilare is a gifted writer! 

His writing is superfluid, perfectly structured, extremely engaging, as well as faithful, and accurate. He communicates his ideas with clarity, elegance, and style. It is evident from his work that he has a great passion for writing.

He pays attention to detail as well as to the message and wider purpose of each piece.  He is a clear and articulate communicator who produces quality work consistently and faithfully.

It’s been a pleasure to collaborate with him in this project!

- Ayna Mannor, TalkIndeed